
1. Identificação
Tipo de ReferênciaArtigo em Evento (Conference Proceedings)
Código do Detentorisadg {BR SPINPE} ibi 8JMKD3MGPCW/3DT298S
Última Atualização2017: (UTC) banon
Repositório de Metadadossid.inpe.br/marte2/2017/
Última Atualização dos Metadados2018: (UTC) administrator
Chave de CitaçãoRezendeMarqRosa:2017:UsDaSe
TítuloUso de dados do Sentinel-2 para cálculo de NDVI com base nos valores da refletância aparente e de superfície
Data de Acesso27 abr. 2024
Tipo SecundárioPRE CN
Número de Arquivos1
Tamanho1389 KiB
2. Contextualização
Autor1 Rezende, Patrícia Soares
2 Marques, Daniela Vieira
3 Rosa, Roberto
Endereço de e-Mail do Autor1 ps.rezende@hotmail.com
EditorGherardi, Douglas Francisco Marcolino
Aragão, Luiz Eduardo Oliveira e Cruz de
Endereço de e-Maildaniela.seki@inpe.br
Nome do EventoSimpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 18 (SBSR)
Localização do EventoSantos
Data28-31 maio 2017
Editora (Publisher)Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
Cidade da EditoraSão José dos Campos
Título do LivroAnais
OrganizaçãoInstituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
Histórico (UTC)2017-10-27 13:43:07 :: banon -> administrator ::
2018-06-06 03:08:13 :: administrator -> banon :: 2017
3. Conteúdo e estrutura
É a matriz ou uma cópia?é a matriz
Estágio do Conteúdoconcluido
ResumoThe objective of this paper is to understand the differences between apparent (TOA) and surface (BOA) reflectances in the generation of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in Sentinel-2 satellite image. The images obtained by remote sensing are influenced by several factors at the moment they are captured due to the distance that separates the earth surface of the sensor system. For this reason, in this type of image it is important to perform atmospheric correction. In the case of this study, as the main focus is the use of Sentinel-2 satellite images, via the QGis software plugin, by the method of subtraction of dark objects. Among the vegetation indices, the most used in the generally studies, was used the NDVI. The results obtained refer the Água Vermelha watershed, located in the city of Uberlândia - MG, and showed that the use of this technique in the Sentinel-2 image showed Sensitive improvement of appearance of the target, facilitating their visual interpretation. In the comparison of the NDVI calculated for the TOA and BOA reflectance values, it was observed that in TOA reflectance the appearance of vegetation and other classes were not as noticeably clear as that of the NDVI image in BOA reflectance in which the appearance of vegetation and other classes Became clearer and more definite. Finally, it was verified the importance of applying the atmospheric correction, and the use of the BOA reflectance as the basis for NDVI generation of the study area.
Arranjo 1urlib.net > BDMCI > Fonds > SBSR > SBSR 18 > Uso de dados...
Arranjo 2urlib.net > BDMCI > Fonds > Produção anterior à 2021 > DIDSR > SBSR 18 > Uso de dados...
Arranjo 3Projeto Memória 60... > Livros e livros editados > SBSR 18 > Uso de dados...
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4. Condições de acesso e uso
URL dos dadoshttp://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD3MGP6W34M/3PSM2KS
URL dos dados zipadoshttp://urlib.net/zip/8JMKD3MGP6W34M/3PSM2KS
Arquivo Alvo59546.pdf
Grupo de Usuáriosbanon
5. Fontes relacionadas
Repositório Espelhourlib.net/www/2011/
Unidades Imediatamente Superiores8JMKD3MGP6W34M/3PMFNUS
Lista de Itens Citandosid.inpe.br/marte2/2017/ 1
Acervo Hospedeirodpi.inpe.br/marte2/2013/
6. Notas
Campos Vaziosaffiliation archivingpolicy archivist callnumber contenttype copyholder copyright creatorhistory descriptionlevel dissemination documentstage doi edition group issn keywords lineage mark nextedition notes numberofvolumes orcid parameterlist parentrepositories previousedition previouslowerunit progress project readergroup readpermission resumeid rightsholder schedulinginformation secondarydate secondarykey secondarymark serieseditor session shorttitle sponsor subject tertiarymark tertiarytype url versiontype volume
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